Shopping Online: Emart Delivery

Hi guys! So today I’m going to show you how to place an order on Emart. You can choose the time window and groceries will be delivered to your door. This process works the same for other places like Homeplus and Lotte Mart. Keep in mind:

  • You usually have to spend at LEAST 30,000 won in order to have groceries delivered.
  • You can receive discounts on some debit cards/credit cards.
  • You should try to be at home for your delivery, unless you write in the “notes” section that you want the delivery man to leave the groceries outside of your door.

Things You Need

  • Your debit card (already set up)
  • You can only use Internet Explorer (otherwise use the app if the website has one)
  • Turn off Active X filtering
  • Allow/use pop up windows.
  • Any popup windows asking to install, you should install. Most Korean websites require security programs to be installed in order to check out using your card
  • An Emart account (here’s my sister’s guide on how to  Make an Account


  • Using a debit card is convenient: You do not need your code card, you don’t need your bank account number (or the seller’s), it’s almost like using a debit card in the US.

Step 1

Choose your groceries

Add to cart

Unfortunately you MUST type your groceries in Korean. A dictionary helps a lot. You must only select the item that has a blue sticker next to it or says “emart mall” because these are available for delivery. The rest are only delivered via the mail (meaning 1-2 days waiting time). Here are some basic groceries I always buy written in Korean:

  • Milk (우유)
  • Eggs (계란)
  • Onions (양파)
  • Garlic (마늘)
  • Chicken (닭고기)
  • Rice ()
  • Pasta (파스타)
  • Fruit (과일)

Step 2

Find your address.


The red box reads “change your delivery address” your account probably does not have an address set up yet, or you had to do that when registering for your username. The process should be the same as my previous guide, Add your Address

Korean sites can be finicky with addresses, try clicking on the different tabs and typing in different parts of your address. It will often ask for your building name “건물명” or street name “도로명“. Sometimes they have convenient drop downs, so you can choose your city “도시” your district “” and your neighborhood ““.

**Remember to ALWAYS add your room number. (Room number호)**

Step 3

Check your total and Checkout.


Make sure your total is over 30,000 won or there is a fee/you won’t be able to order. The bottom left reads 1. Order Total 2. Discount 3. Delivery Fee 4. Other fees 5. Total Cost.

For my order, they are charging 3,000 won to deliver the eggs. When you finish, click the red button to continue.

Step 4

Fill out/Confirm your information.


Most of your information should be filled out already. The top section “고객정보” means customer information. I share this account with my older sister, so her information is here.

1. Your name 2. Email Address 3. Phone Number 4. Refund Method (a) The payment method you used for this order (b) Wire transfer.

배송정보” means, “delivery information“. Fill out where you want the groceries delivered. You can have multiple addresses saved.

1. Your name 2. Phone Number (First one is a landline) 3. Cellphone Number 4. Use a security number (click the second bubble for “no”) 4. Your Address

Step 5

Set up a Delivery Time.


A) You can choose a 3 hour window for your groceries to be delivered. You can place an order up to 3 days in advance. Usually, I place my order the day before I want the groceries delivered. If you look at today (Tues 6.20) the times are grayed out because they’re unavailable. You may have to pay a fee for day of delivery. Click the bubble of the time you want.

B) Sign up for Delivery Notifications: You can have the driver send you text messages. He will give you a smaller time frame and notify you when your order is out for delivery. The first line reads “delivery message” if you want to have him drop off the groceries outside of your door, you can tell him that, and also tell him the building pass code to let himself in. The second line reads “gift message” if you’re delivering to another person.

C) If your item is sold out: If you check the first bubble, they will replace the items with a similar brand. If you check the second bubble, you won’t get the item.

**Unlike Homeplus, Emart will not notify you via message if you’re not getting an item. So if you order bread, and they’re sold out, you won’t receive it if you check the second bubble. The driver will hand you your invoice, and you’ll see the information on there. You will receive a refund based on what you checked off earlier.**

Step 6


Emart Card (1)

1) The first black box reads “recommended coupons” and the second one reads “delivery coupons“. There are often events to receive coupons, or if there’s a problem with your delivery you can receive them. In store, I’ve received a voucher for spending enough money. Just click on them and see if you have anything valid for your order.

Step 7

Payment Method.

Payment (2)

A) (From left to Right) Credit Card, Bank Transfer, Cellphone Payment, Samsung Pay, Kakao Pay, Foreign Card. I left out the top options because you probably won’t be using these methods. They added cellphone pay recently! I typically use my Shinhan Credit Card because I receive a 5% discount.

B) Choose your Bank Card (KB, Shinhan, Citibank, Hana Bank, etc.)

C) Pay in full or installments: Unless you have a credit card, it should read “일시불”

D) Use your Card Points (your debit card may offer reward points) check yes or no.

**I forgot to include this, but if you scroll down, check if your Emart Rewards Card is there. If you created one in person, it should be linked to your cellphone number. This card also works at several other stores, including Shinsegae Department Store.**

Step 8

Accept the terms and conditions.


Click “모두 동의합니다” to accept ALL of the terms and conditions. Then continue to the payment window.

Step 9

Pay and Finish!



This time I included the KB Bank Payment Window. Click “결제하기” to check out. Use my guide for your Debit Card

I didn’t show you the final confirmation screen, since I didn’t actually check out the order. You will be receiving text notifications up until your order arrives. Feel free to leave any questions in the comments below!

Shopping Online: How to Use a Debit Card

Hi guys! So today I’m going to show you how to use a debit card when shopping online in Korea. Keep in mind, at first this process is much more difficult (transferring money like on Gmarket seems the easiest). However, many websites don’t allow you to use wire transfer or cell phone payment, especially on Homeplus or Emart. This method is the easiest once you set up your debit card (the username you make can be used on any site after).

Now, I haven’t outlined how to set up your debit card online. Basically, the first time you use your debit card online you have to create an account (username and password) with your bank. The process differs slightly from bank to bank. This is actually the hardest part because you have to confirm your identity. This should be fairly straightforward if your names match (bank account and cell phone account) mine was a bit more difficult because I am under someone else’s name for my cell phone plan. I plan to make a guide for this later, but I need to find someone who has not set up their account.

This guide is using a Shinhan Debit Card. That being said, the process should be almost the same for any other bank. Let’s get started!

Things You Need

  • Your debit card (already set up)
  • You can only use Internet Explorer (otherwise use the app if the website has one)
  • Turn off Active X filtering
  • Allow/use pop up windows.
  • Any popup windows asking to install, you should install. Most Korean websites require security programs to be installed in order to check out using your card


  • Using a debit card is convenient: You do not need your code card, you don’t need your bank account number (or the seller’s), it’s almost like using a debit card in the US

Step 1

Selecting your Payment Method

Payment Method

When checking out, you will always see this box with a variety of payment methods. The other options include real time transfer, virtual account system, and  regular bank transfer. If you use gmarket, you’re quite familiar with”무통장 입금“. Anyway, today we will be selecting “신용카드” or debit card. Next, click 결제하기 to continue. A separate window will now pop up (you will most likely have to install a security program here).

Step 2

Accept the Terms & Conditions

Download Program and Accept Terms

If you shop online you’re quite familiar with this. Whenever it says “동의합니다” always check it. No one ever reads it. Do you ever read the Terms & Conditions in English? Haha.

Click “다음단계” once you’ve checked the box.

Step 3

Select your Bank

Select Card

Next, select your Bank Name. I am clicking “신한” some of the others include Samsung, Hana, Lotte, KB, NH, BC, Woori, and it seems like there’s an option for foreign cards.

The next little drop down says “일시불” which means lump payment, or pay in full. I don’t know much about splitting up the payments, so I usually just go with this one.

Step 4

Selecting your payment method again.


These are the options available for Shinhan Bank users. Basically a whole bunch of apps, and other systems for your debit card. I’ve never used these methods (it probably requires you to set something up and install a bunch of other things) so I just select the regular method. “일반 결제” so click next to it, “결제하기“.

Step 5

Select Regular Method.

Regular 2

You’ll see two tabs at the top, the first one the Shinhan Smart Pay. The second is the regular payment method. I once spent an hour trying to enter my information into the Smart Payment box. Remember, you should use “일반결제“.

Step 6

Debit Card Number.

Enter Card info

Enter your debit card number. You can simply type it into the white box. But the boxes with a mouse next to it, require you to click the numbers on a separate popup keyboard. This is for security purposes, and it’s really quite annoying. I’m pretty sure this is why you need to download the program, so the keyboard works properly. Click “입력완료” or just click off to proceed to the next box.

Once you’re done click “확인“.

Step 7

Username and Password

Card CVC

If you’ve already set up your debit card (which I’m assuming you have), your previously created username will automatically pop up. This is linked to your debit card number, so if you’ve entered it correctly, it will come up. My username is “angelk” I know, it’s a ridiculous username lol. Pass over the next section “본인인즌방법” this is the method of ID Confirmation.

Next to “일반결제 비밀번호” enter your previously created password. You must use their stupid popup keyboard for both sections. Your password must include a special character. So make sure you click on the option on the bottom left to change the keyboard.

Last, enter the 3 digit password on the back of your debit card (the CVV code).


Double check your information, and remember to click “확인” until the window closes out. Usually an ad will pop up, so ignore it.

Step 8



You’re done! The payment will come out automatically. You can usually check here for your order number (I cropped mine out) and continue to check your account for the status of your order. Hope this helped! Happy shopping~


How to set up your debit card (citibank)

Finally updating this post, I set up my new citibank debit card online. Unfortunately (or fortunately?) citibank has an English option so I’m not sure how helpful this will be, but the process should be the same in Korean.

Step 1

Install the App

1. Install

This is pretty self-explanatory. I did this on my phone, so you just have to install their Citibank card app. On a PC you probably need to download a security program. Make sure it’s on the tab Normal Pay.

Step 2

Making a Username

2. Make Username

For some reason the translation Citibank chose is “Personal Message” this is basically the username that will pop up the next time you type in your debit card number, as shown above. Make a username and password.

Step 3

Authenticate Your Identity

3. Authenticate

This is always the hardest part, especially when it’s in Korean. So first you’re going to fill out the CVC code on the back of your card. Then you check off password or public certificate. If you’ve done internet banking in Korean before, you should have a public certificate which is issued from your bank.

In my case, I didn’t set up internet banking with Citibank, so I had it linked to my Shinhan Bank Certificate. I already had Citibank linked, so I was able to just put in my Shinhan Bank Password. In your case, if you haven’t already set up another account you should check Public Certificate. You simply find the certificate (whether it’s on your computer drive, a USB, or somewhere else…) and put in your password, agree with a few options.

Step 4


4. Completed

And you’re done! Next time you use this debit card, follow the steps above! Your username will be automatically saved to this debit card number.

Check out my sister’s guides on:

1.) How to Register on a Korean Website

2.) HomePlus Grocery Delivery